La danza del Búfalo (Buffalo Dance) Thomas Edison - 1894

Tres indios Sioux realizan una "danza del búfalo", mientras que otros dos utilizan tambores para aportar el titmo. Los tres bailarines se desplazan en un círculo, y realizan las distintas acciones que forman parte de la danza.

Los dos indios que tocan los tambores están sentados cerca del borde posterior de un pequeño escenario de madera detrás de tres guerreros con pleno vestuario. Los músicos tocan y cantan y los tres hombres que danzan tienen los pies en perpetuo movimiento.

Three Sioux Indians perform a 'buffalo dance', while two others use drums to supply a rhythm. The three dancers move around in a circle as they perform the various actions that are part of the dance.

Two drummers are seated near the back edge of a small wooden stage behind three warriors in full costumes. As the musicians play and chant, the three men dance, always moving their feet, in a counterclockwise circle. They often look at the camera, seeming to seek the spotlight. The each wear feathers in their headband and two wear decorative tails.

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